Ionised water

Ionised water is water that has been exposed to an electric current which separates the charged particles.

During ionisation positively-charge ions are drawn to the negative electrode. Negatively charged ions are drawn to the positive electrode. Ions with a positive charge like calcium, magnesium, sodium and potassium raise the ph and produce alkaline water. Negative ions including phosphorous, chlorine and sulfur lower the PH and produce acidic water. Ionisation transforms the resulting water in ways that go beyond the separation of ions. There are three main changes that occur to water during the ionisation process. These changes can be responsible for many health benefits when you use the water.

1. PH

2. Oxidation Reduction Potential

3. Molecular structure.

1. Alkaline water provides an abundance of alkaline minerals that are required to neutralise acidic wastes in the tissues and in the blood. having an abundance of alkaline minerals spares their removal from bones, organs, tissues and teeth.

2. Alkaline is capable of carrying more oxygen in the form of OH-ion

3. Drinking alkaline water (especially 20 mins before a meal) stimulates the production of HCI (hydrochloric acid) which aids digestion and the assimilation of nutrients. Most people over the age of 40 don’t produce enough HCI in their stomachs for optimal digestion.

4. The production of HCI releases bicarbonates which are sent to the bloodstream. These are used to balance the PH of the blood and other fluids.


According to quantum theory, the difference between life and death is not so much in the chemistry as it is in the organisation and structure. This has huge implications when you consider that the structure of water in your body can be correlated with sickness and aging.

Liquid crystals are special phases of matter with orientational order. Unlike solid crystals they are flexible and responsive. Computer display screens are liquid crystals. Many components of the human body are now considered to be liquid crystals including collagen and cell membranes.

In many ways water and crystalline quartz are similar. Quartz crystals are used in the computer industry because they vibrate under pressure at a very precise frequency. this property allows them to carry signals with speed and precision like no other material. The molecular geometry of structured water is very similar to the molecular geometry of crystalline quartz based on the same pattern.

This may be the reason that alkaline water is thought to carry signals more efficiently throughout living tissue. many experts suspect that structured water may be the key to DNA signalling, enzyme activity and many other functions. Structured water has also been shown to hydrate more effectively.

Benefits of Alkaline Water

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Does Alkaline Water Help?

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There’s a lot of “alkaline” information out there and it can be very confusing.


The problem is lifestyle-induced, over-acidification in our bodies.

Over acidity (acidosis if extreme) ultimately weakens all body systems, giving rise to an internal environment that is conducive to disease.

Most doctors do not diagnose or treat over acidity. Rather, they treat its symptoms. For example, if you have acid-reflux, many doctors will just give you an alkalising prescription.

Did you Know? The most common causes of over-acidity are what we eat and drink.

Meat, dairy, gluten, or any food that is sweet (including artificial sweeteners), over-processed or fried, will increase your body’s acid load. Any drink that is sugary, caffeinated, carbonated or contains alcohol will too. Our bodies were not designed to process too much acid consistently over time.

A major cause of over-acidification, which is far less understood, is our modern-day, fast-paced, stressed-out lifestyles.

Stress causes cortisol to be released in our body. Excess Cortisol creates an acidic imbalance and causes our buffering system to work overtime. And it doesn’t have to be high-level stress. Scientists have shown that low-level stress, over time, has the same effect. Low level stress is like a constant drip, drip, drip.

What Happens to all that Acid?

Mother Nature gave us a wonderful buffering system to neutralize and eliminate acidic waste. It helps manage tightly regulated pH in various systems in our body. But as researcher Lynda Frassetto PhD, from the University of California says, “We have turned an evolutionary corner. We simply do not handle acid waste the way we used to.” Based on her research of almost 1,000 subjects, she found that our overwhelmed buffering systems aren’t efficiently eliminating acid as they should do via the kidneys and liver. Research published in Clinical Nutrition1 backs her emphatically. Our bodies are forced to protect themselves by storing acidic toxins in fatty deposits. At this point, there is not enough buffering available to keep the blood pH at the upper end of its tightly controlled alkaline pH range. This means that an inadequate amount of oxygen is carried to our tissues and the cells in our body become more acidic.

The cost? A proliferating range of acid-related conditions that have become mainstream. These include obesity, immune disorders, lack of energy, cancer, diabetes, osteoporosis, arthritis and more. Many, many more. The sobering — or acidifying — summary is that we choose to eat overly acidic food, wash it down with acidic beverages and then top it all off with stress. Every day…week-in, week-out…year-in and year-out. Our bodies simply can’t keep up.

Choose to be Alkaline

Do you want to know the good news (and the solution)? Here it is:

Living an alkaline lifestyle is a choice. The solution begins each time you choose what you eat, what you drink, and how you live with stress.

As you reduce the acidic load on your system, you rebuild buffer reserves and your system can begin to do its job the way it was designed to. Your body returns to a balanced state, where it can buffer and eliminate unwanted acids. Your blood pH begins to inch ever so slightly upward toward the optimum end of the tightly regulated pH range. As it does, its ability to carry and release oxygen to your tissues also increases. Medical science has known about and measured this blood pH/oxygen carrying relationship for years.

An oxygen-rich environment is an alkaline environment. And a healthy one too. Dr. Otto Warburg, for example, (who is often misquoted), was awarded a Nobel Prize for making the discovery that low oxygen is a characteristic of cancer cells.

Benefits of an Alkaline Lifestyle

Most functions in the body are influenced by pH (the level of acid or alkaline). Healthy enzyme and hormone systems and our blood’s ability to carry oxygen all depend on an alkaline pH. Together, these systems impact our overall health. 35+ years of testimonial benefits from the alkaline lifestyle movement cover reversals from an almost universal array of diseases and health conditions.

Importance of Healthy Water

Since water makes up so much of our body it is critical that we drink the right type of water.

What is alkaline water?

Alkaline, ionised water is water that has been specifically altered in a water ioniser to raise pH from neutral to pH 9 or more and also to display negative change (-ORP). Water above a pH 7 is alkaline and water below pH 7 is acidic. pH can be easily measured by using pH reagent or a meter, and ORP is measured using an ORP meter.

Regularly reported benefits of drinking alkaline (and mineral enriched) water include:

  • Increased energy and mental clarity
  • Improved memory
  • Clearer skin
  • Weight loss
  • Detoxification
  • Improvements in cardiac conditions
  • Stabilising of blood sugar
  • Better digestion
  • Lessening or outright elimination of a range of inflammatory issues including arthritis and other conditions such as allergies, asthma and on-and-on it goes.


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Where can I get alkaline water?

Various well-known natural springs and sources of “healing water” have been documented around the world. Examination of these waters find they are different than the tap water or purified, mineral-free bottled waters we typically drink. Water from these springs has been documented to be slightly alkaline, have a negative electrical charge and have some level of dissolved molecular hydrogen. They are also contaminant free.

There are many bottled waters on the market that claim to be alkaline like Essentia Water, Smartwater, Alka 65 and more. However, be careful with bottled water as you run the risk of microplastics, chemical leaching and ultimately a strain on the environment from plastic bottles.

The AlkaViva H2 Series ionisers contain our proprietary, and USA made, UltraWater Filtration Technology, independently tested against 172 contaminants and shown to reduce virtually all of them to 99.9%. The clean water is then transformed into alkaline water that is also negatively ionised and hydrogen rich. With the push of a button, you can choose the level of alkalinity in the water that you drink. AlkaViva’s H2 Infusion technology adds the documented benefits of molecular hydrogen.

With an AlkaViva H2 Series Ioniser, you can literally transform your ordinary, oxidising, contaminated tap water into the cleanest and healthiest alkaline water — just like world’s healing waters. You can enjoy the benefits of drinking alkaline water, right in your own kitchen! Plus, it’s environmentally friendly!


How can you get alkaline water?

Powerful, smart, convenient performance. The H2 Series.

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